In the latest KSPS-TV televised debate, current and previous City Hall Spokesman-Review reporters put questions to the City Council candidates for my former Northwest District.

While our mailboxes fill with campaign flyers, this tremendous public service instead allows voters the opportunity to decide for themselves by watching just even a few minutes of the debate.

The questions were on target: Budget priorities, public safety, how to improve neighborhoods and solutions to Spokane’s current problems.

Only one candidate, Kitty Klitzke, answered those questions with a clear understanding of the job and offered solutions.

During the debate, we learned Klitzke strongly supports fully funding public safety. She wants to bring back our police neighborhood resource officers and traffic patrols. She wants to hire more police and firefighters to reduce runaway overtime costs.

Before becoming a candidate, Klitzke worked to pass the city’s Complete Streets ordinance to make sure Spokane builds sidewalks and bike lanes in places that make sense. She also worked collaboratively to win voter approval for our new Central City Line bus line.

If voters are still undecided, I encourage them to watch even a part of the debate on the public TV broadcast or online. We need informed and effective leaders at City Hall and hats off to the journalists for participating in this important public service.

Candace Mumm
